Nic Lee (UK) is the founder and Executive Director of the International NGO Safety Organisation (INSO, www.NGOsafety.org). His career spans +20 years of frontline humanitarian work across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia with wide experience across leadership, programming, and field operations with leading international NGOs. Prior to founding INSO, he spent seven years in Kabul as Director of the Afghanistan NGO Safety Office (ANSO), providing direct support to NGOs in the context of a major humanitarian crisis and international armed conflict. Since 2011, he has led INSO from innovative start-up to become an essential security coordinating body for NGOs, providing safety and access support to more than 1,200 partners in high-risk countries. He holds a Masters degree in Development Practice from Oxford Brookes University Centre for Emergency and Development Practice and a diploma in Humanitarian Assistance from the University of Geneva. He is a member of the UN Saving Lives Together Oversight Committee and serves as an International Advisor to the Centre on Armed Groups. He is based in The Hague with frequent travels to the field.